
Professional 1 - Demonstrates the ability to maintain respectful, mutually supportive and equitably professional relationships with learners, colleagues, families and communities.

Professional 2 - Demonstrates ethical behaviour and the ability to work in a collaborative manner for the good of all learners.

Professional 3 - Demonstrates a commitment to social justice and the capacity to nurture an inclusive and equitable environment for the empowerment of all learners.

Professional 4 - Demonstrates a commitment to service and the capacity to be reflective, lifelong learners, and inquirers.

Knowledge 1 - Demonstrates knowledge of Canadian History, especially in reference to Saskatchewan and Western Canada.

Knowledge 2 - Demonstrates proficiency in the Language of Instruction.

Knowledge 3 - Demonstrates knowledge of First Nations, Metis & Inuit culture and History (e.g. Treaties, Residential School, Script, and Worldview)

Knowledge 4 - Demonstrates ability to use technologies readily, strategically, and appropriately.

Knowledge 5 - Demonstrates knowledge of a number of subjects taught in Saskatchewan schools (disciplinary/interdisciplinary knowledge)

Knowledge 6 - Demonstrates ability to strive for/pursue new knowledge.

Instructional 1 - Demonstrates the ability to utilize meaningful, equitable and holistic approaches to assessment and evaluation.

Instructional 2 - Demonstrates the ability to use a wide variety of responsive instructional strategies and methodologies to accomodate learning styles of individual learners and support their growth as social, intellectual, physical and spiritual beings.

Curricular 1 - Demonstrates knowledge of Saskatchewan curriculum and policy documents and applies this understanding to plan lessons, units of study and year plans using curriculum outcomes as outlined by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education.

Curricular 2 - Demonstrates the ability to incorporate First Nations, Metis, and Inuit knowledge, content and perspectives into all teaching areas.

Curricular 3 - Demonstrates the capacity to engage in program planning to shape 'lived curriculum' that brings learner needs, subject matter, and contextual variables together in developmentally appropriate, culturally responsive and meaningful ways.